May was our busiest month so far, in terms of hits on our site but also entries we posted. The outlook for June is definitely more subdued, and for a long while I was wondering why we weren't able to fill the calendar more for the month of June. Until my bf pointed out that maybe, just maybe, the lack of touring bands could be attributed to a European football competition taking place. Just a theory but a plausible one. Anyway, it's not as if we were getting bored. There are still enough fun concerts to satisfy the live music addicts.
Foreign Objects and
Rat Rat Rats at bei Roy: Foreign Objects from Boston sound an aweful lot as if they were from Olympia, Washington if you get my gist. They are most definitely fans of Bikini Kill and play just that: lo-fi punk rock the way mid-90s girl punk bands used to do it. They consist of members from bands like Ampere, Libyans and Conversions and I like, a lot. This is going to be swell. Support comes from our local post punk duo Rat Rat Rats.
The Pirate Ship Quintet at Schokoladen: Instrumental music from southern England, mostly ambient but at times noisey, not unlike Mogwai to some extent. This is going to be special. And early.
(show up 8pm latest. You should know the Schokoladen deal by now)
Smoke Fairies at Roter Salon: Electric folk blues duo from England that's been championed by Jack White and Bryan Ferry for some years now. They are posh and worth your attention. They will most likely go far.
Terror Bird and
Allie at 33rpm record store: We have featured Terror Bird and her melancholic synth pop tunes before on the craze. Today, she is giving an instore performance at Berlin's newest record shop 33rpm, ahead of her show at Musichall tomorrow night.
Purity Ring at Katine am Berghain: Somewhere inbetween experimental and pop, Purity Ring is for those that dig that current Californian offish dance scene, with performers like Dirty Beaches and Jeans Wilder. I am a great admirer of that whole style of music, even if I can't quite put my finger on it, and I can only recommend to you tonight's gig at Berghain's Kantine.
The Mokkers + a bunch of others at White Trash: There is a little festival type thing at White Trash tonight that's not really my cup of tea, so I won't go into too much detail. But I did want to let you know that Berlin's coolest garage girl band The Mokkers are playing as part of this. I'm a fan and always try and give these girls some press, so here goes.
Terror Bird,
Die Selektion and
at Musichall: See Thursday's entry for Terror Bird! Die
Selektion do 90s type wave techno, but arty and with trumpets. If you
like to dance and you like it dark, this is for you because they remind me of New Order, in a really good way. Voyvoda, again, do wave music, but more Joy Division
and less New Order. Good, too. This is a big night at Naherholung
Sternchen. Be there or be square.
Julia Holter at Kantine am Berghain: There is a big hype surrounding this lady just now. Throw her name casually into conversation with music industry representatives and you are met with a waft of love and admiration. This girl's slightly melancholic yet positive tunes are beautiful and appeal to a large number of people despite the slight quirkiness.
Liars and
Reptar at Roter Salon: Gig of the week, but what was the promoter thinking? Liars at tiny Roter Salon may just cause riots and we'll be there to witness it all. Because J. and I wouldn't miss this for the world. See us there!!