We don't always share our competition results. But this time we really thought it worth it. Admittedly, not that many entries for the Doomsday Student competition, but those were priceless. When we asked for your favourite student band we assumed we would get names like Tocotronic or Vampire Weekend. Instead, this is what we got:
Mohasky (student metal)
Knüppel (student noise)
Genghis Tron (experimental student metal)
Without a doubt Knüppel won. Not just because the name sounds like it was generated with an online punk band name tool, but simply because the winner sent us this sweet story and we instantly fell in love with it. Irresistable!
"The best students' band was KNÜPPEL, of course. Ok, I admit, I say that,
because it was my school's student band where I played guitars in, but
it absolutely relates to Arab on the Radar, too. Well, sort of. Because
they had a split with the Locust. In the history of Knüppel, our member
Peter managed to put us on the bill with some nice serious hardcore
bands like Damnation AD by pretending we would sound like the Locust,
which he basically did just because there was one guy thrashing wildly
on the stage and abusing a kids' keyboard. Knüppel was not really a
serious band and was basically made of all the guys of our highschool
age into any kind of music, not so much into playing instruments, but we
didn't care and had a lot of fun. Actually, it was interesting to see
people beeing absolutely confused if we make noise with any serious
approach or really nonsense noise. In our short career throughout the
last 2 years of Gymnasium we played 4 gigs I think.
See a video
of infamous gig at JUZ Wallerfangen in Saarlouis where people were
getting crazy seeing us and used the chance to destroy their complete
interior during the show to get a reason renovating the whole place:"
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