Sunday, 1 January 2012

C*'s Top of the Year 2011

This year, I made sure to draw up a list of the best gigs throughout the year instead of trying to remember it all in late December. And would you know it, again, I was struggling to whittle it down to a mere 10. So you get a lucky Top 13. 
Berlin is a great place for live music. It's not world-famous for it, and people here don't always realise, but we have such a great eclectic mix of artists come through this town and the audience is generally pretty swell, too. This year was possibly my best year for live concerts ever. I've been to amazing shows, have discovered many new groups and looking back, it feels as if 2011 was just one big party. May 2012 be just as amazing! Happy new year everyone!

My Top Berlin gigs list 2011:
1) Thee Oh Sees at West Germany in May
2) Moon Duo at Festsaal in October
3) Digger Barnes & Pencil Quincy (The Diamond Road Show) at bei Roy in June
4) Health at Berlin Festival in September 
5) JEFF The Brotherhood at West Germany in January
6) Electrelane at Festsaal in August
7) Thurston Moore at Volksbühne in December
8) PTTRNS and Make Out! at Schokoladen in February
9) Skeleton$ and Thank You at West Germany in May
10) Chain & The Gang at Festsaal in June
11) Low at Lido in May
12) Abe Vigoda at West Germany in May
13) Hot Snakes at Festsaal in December

Apart from Berlin, I've also been to LA, Austin and London this year, where I got to see some pretty amazing shows, too. 

My out-of-town highlights 2011 are:
1) Lightning Bolt at Mohawk, Austin (April)
2) Brian Ferry at a wedding in England in July
3) The Kills on the Conan O'Brien show in Los Angeles in April

What a year, oh wow!!

My favourite pic this year: with J. at the Abe Vigoda gig

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