Alley & entrance to Bei Roy |
I went to Bei Roy for an evening of free jazz last night. Yes, you read that correctly.
And I had no idea what I was going to await me. Adventure took me and I put up with the rain and headed to Bei Roy to meet J.. The room wasn't nearly as full as it was the time when Digger Barnes played there. Yet the atmosphere was cozy this time, too. The venue draws people from very different backgrounds and age groups, which I find refreshing: youngsters hungry for new music, nerds who want to indulge in nerdy music talk about nerdy music projects, hip neukölln folk, punks and indie kids.
I concluded that it was great to try something new, that I never regret supporting Bei Roy, and that it was good to catch up with J.. But I also had to admit to myself that I am not ready for free jazz yet. And I left early. Give me rock'n'roll any day.
Vocuhila were so great again, they're really awsome. Sorry you missed Une Distraction... I mean hands down, to me they're one of the best "local" bands around at the moment!