Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Late review: Civil Civic + Slow Steve

Honest to god, I was absolutely convinced that I had written this review forever ago. Going through my open drafts, I realise that this has been left unwritten to this point. So here goes something.

Since his support gig for PTTRNS, Rémi "Fenster" had doubled the members of his project Slow Steve. It was now a two-piece. Musically, things remained the same though, with atmospheric dancable pop being the product and a sense of humour lighting up the vocal performance. Enjoyable and appealing to a wide audience, I reckon this neat little project could go somewhere far, although I have been told that the grouping was only temporary and that it's back to a one-piece now.

For Civil Civic I had high hopes. Their album is an absolute all-time favourite mine. It is my most listened to record in the car and one that always picks me up when my energy is low. It is what I like to dance to in my living room, too. Having been gravely disappointed by their previous performance at Marie-Antoinette due to sound troubles, the excitement for this show was mounting as I was expecting to finally receive my just and proper Civil Civic dance extravaganza.

Disappointed I was not. The duo and their instrumental bass-drum-machine-guitar numbers got people moving and shouting, made my heart jump. And we laughed, too. For all I know, this evening could have lasted forever but Civil Civic had to end their set at some point and we had another gig to attend - Dat Politics and Otto von Schirach were not going to wait for us. That's another story.

May my beloved Civil Civic return at their earliest convience, ideally with a new album in tow please.

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